
Saturday, 16 April 2016

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

                   Beach Litter
God is so good because he made the world for us to enjoy. Sadly some people throw their rubbish at the beach. They throw cans, plastic bottles, empty packets of chips and plastic bags. These people hurt God's world. I will show people how to care for God's creation by taking my rubbish home. 
                                                              By Sonasi

Care For God's Creation

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

         Care For God's Creation
We look after our rivers and beaches by not dropping litter and rubbish on the ground. If I go to the beach for a picnic I will take all my rubbish home.
                                                            By Elijah

Care for God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants people to care of his creation.

          Rubbish On The Beach
Our beaches and rivers get polluted when people do not keep them clean. We must pick up our rubbish to keep our environment clean.
                                                               By Alex

Care For God's Creation

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

          Caring For God's Creation
Our beaches and rivers get polluted when people do not keep them clean. We must pick up our rubbish to keep our environment clean.

                                                 By Sililo

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

God is so good to us because he made the world for us to enjoy. But some people throw their rubbish at the beach. It is not good to hurt God's creation. I will help to keep the beach clean by taking my rubbish home.
                                                    By Willietony

Care Of God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

             Care For God's Creation.
Our rivers and beaches get polluted when we do not pick up our rubbish. We must keep our environment clean.
                                           By Jacob

Care Of God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

          Care For God's Creation
God made the world beautiful so we can enjoy it. We must pick up our rubbish to look after God's creation.                 
                                                      By Ana Stacia

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that god wants us to care for his creation.

            Care For God's Creation
God is good because he made the world for us to enjoy. Some people throw cans, glass and plastic bags at the beach. They do not respect God's creation. If people go to the beach they will get hurt. I will show people how to look after God's creation by taking my rubbish home.
                                               By Sione  

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

         Care For God's Creation
God is so good because he made the beach for us to enjoy. But some people throw plastic bags, empty cans, and plastic bottles at the beaches. If people go for a swim they can get hurt. 
I will keep the environment clean by taking my rubbish home.
                                            By Leonie

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

         Care For God's Creation
God is so good because he made the beach for us to enjoy. But some people throw plastic bags, empty cans, and plastic bottles at the beach. If people go for a swim they can get hurt. 
I will keep the environment clean by taking my rubbish home.
                                            By Leonie

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

          Care For God's Creation
God made the world beautiful so we can enjoy it. We must pick up our rubbish to look after God's creation.                 
                                                      By Ana Stacia

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

             Care For God's Creation.
Our rivers and beaches get polluted when we do not pick up our rubbish. We must keep our environment clean.
                                           By Jacob

Rainbow's End

                                 Rainbow's End
I went to Rainbow's End with my mum and my dad. I rode on the roller coaster. It went very fast like a motorbike. Then I played on the train and I pretended to be the driver.  I had two hot dogs and a piece of cake.
I had a great day.
                                             By Elijah


Learning Intention: I am learning how to keep our Charism (Spirit) alive at St Patrick's School.

Success criteria:  I will know I can do this when I can give two examples about 'Getting Along With Others.'

  • I show respect by playing nicely with others at the playground.
  • I show respect when I share.
                                                                                                                   By Alex

The Rainforest

Learning Intention: I am learning to write a creative story and how I feel about the situation.

Success Criteria: I will know I can do this when I can write an orientation, where the story happened, a problem and a solution.

                 The Rainforest
The people rode on the elephants in the river. They looked at the animals and the birds. Uh! Uh! A bear. The bear scared them away. The people chased the bear away.
                                             By Upu

Care For God's Creation

Learning Intention: We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

          Caring For God's Creation
Our beaches and rivers get polluted when people do not keep them clean. We must pick up our rubbish to keep our environment clean.

                                                 By Sililo

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

          Care For God's Creation
Some people throw their rubbish at the beaches and the rivers. Lots of fish and eels die. We must pick up our rubbish to keep our God's creation clean.

                                              By Frances

Care For God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

God made the world for us to enjoy. But some people throw their rubbish at the beach. They spoilt God's creation. If I go to the beach for a picnic I will take all my rubbish home.

                                                  By Estherose

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Religious Education: Care for God's Creation

We are learning to understand that God wants us to care for his creation.

          Beach Litter
God is so good because he created the world for us to enjoy. But some people do not respect God's creation. They throw plastic bags, cans, broken glass, plastic bottles, crisp packets and other kinds of rubbish at the beach. The fish and the animals eat the rubbish mistaking it for food. When people go for a swim they can cut themselves on sharp objects. People must care for God's creation.
I will help to keep the beach clean by taking my rubbish home. 

                                                                                                By Cooper