
Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Charism (Spirit) Of Our School

Learning Intention: I am learning how to keep our Charism (Spirit) alive at St Patrick's School.

Success Criteria: I know I can do this when I give two examples about 'Getting On With Others'

  • I show respect by picking up rubbish and keep our environment clean.
  • I show respect to others by smiling.

Charism ( Spirit) Of Our School

   Learning Intention:  I am learning how to keep our Charism ( Spirit) alive at St Patrick's School.

Success Criteria: I will know I can do this when I give two examples about 'Getting Along With Others'

  • I show respect by helping anyone who needs my help.
  • I show respect to others by playing fair and waiting for my turn.

Charism ( Spirit Of Our School)

Charism ( Spirit Of Our School)

Learning Intention: I am learning how to keep our Charism (Spirit) alive at St Patrick's School.

Success Criteria: I know I can do this 

when I give two examples about 'Getting 

Along With Others' 

  • I show respect to others by letting them join in my game.
  • I show respect to others by using positive language for example good job or well done I've finished my turn it's your turn now.